Freitag, 24. Juni 2011

1214 Effective power walking: Just a matter of the adequate length of the trekking sticks and a fix arm position! Not a matter of instruction courses!

"Keep in motion" - that is what is being suggested by the couple in the foto above. The problem is that they demonstrate a way of using the trekking sticks that finally has lead lots of people to drag along them in a completely listless manner. Or to carry them both along in one hand - still pleased to be able to signalize "I am concerned with outdoor activities!" Or to put them away even though having passed a special course in using this equipment correctly. Or to say - as also happened to the blogger when he met a man who declared he had such sticks too: "I feel ashamed when I am on route with these things."

Provided that one has bought such good sticks as the blogger could descry - the price not eaven reaching 10 Euro -, it is absolutely not necessary to spend money for a special tuition. Because the way of using them results from their adequate length - found out by the formula that has been posted on Twitter by the blogger - s. the first entry below.

Up to now there a several entries in this blog that are concerned with power walking, for example the following - which is the first in that sequence: 1117. The quintessence of all of them is more or less that this kind of sport can really be enjoyed only when the sticks are applied in the way that also is depicted in the tweet that has already been mentioned before.

Klaus Bickmann
Klaus Bickmann
Klaus Bickmann
vor 18 Stunden

PS: The result of having acquired sticks of highest quality - their weight: 250 g each because consisting of aluminium - and of using them in a way that hardly can be topped: Without any sign of fatigue he can reach an average speed of more than 6 km/h - for example on his way to Wennigsen or to Lüdersen, two boroughs in the neigbourhood. And he can do so as now a walking freak -, something that had been unimagenable to him just three months ago. In his eyes there is made so much fuss about or around the "scientific" approach to the correct way of handling the sticks just for the sake of racketeering.

1212 Mit @CROSSBICK jetzt auch bei Twitter dabei

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