sowie nachstehend findet sich einmal ein nach dem Einbringen
aufgefundener Song mit dem Titel "Cantai ao Senhor". Der eine weitaus
stärkere Rückbindung an die Transzendenz aufweist als die, die über das
Predigen von dogmatisch festgelegten Glaubensgrundsätzen und das
skrupulöse Befolgen irgendwelcher willkürlich festgelegten Glaubenregeln
erreichbar ist. Des weiteren dann ein von einer Nepalesin verfasster
Beitrag dazu, in welchem Maße Musik in der Tierwelt eine Rolle spielt.
Schließlich noch - in dem Abschlusskasten - der Musiktitel "Viele
verachten die edele Musik" - dessen Text von einem gewissen Johann
Kaspar Bachofen um die Wende hin zum 18. Jahrhundert formuliert worden
ist. Zu welchem Verfasser mein ansonsten äußerst auskunftsfreudiger
MEYERS von 1929 leider keine Angabe enthält. Der jedenfalls verweist auf
das Droben, in welchem die, die sich ihr verweigert haben, auch kein
Sanctus zu hören bekämen. Wie auch immer man sich zu einer solchen
Einschätzung stellen mag: Die Sperrigkeit gegenüber Gesang und Klang hat
ihren Preis.
397 Etwas mehr Hintergrund in Sachen Sang und Klang.
----- Original Message -----
Hallo Klaus,
vielleicht solltet ihr mal im Zoo auftreten, evtuell mit musikalischer Begleitung, um den Tieren Spaß zu machen.
The universal language
The whole universe throbs with melody and every plant and animal reacts to it.
I tell all pregnant women I know to listen to classical music because baby inside grow healthier and more intelligent listening to it. Even fish do. Professor Papoutsoglo of the Agricultural University of Athens and his team reared carp fish in constant darkness. They found that darkness stunted the fish’s growth, but when the carp were exposed to 30 minutes or more of Mozart’s “Eine Kleine Nacht Musik,” they grew at more normal rates, improved their livers and had reduced stress. Ava Chase of the Rowland Institute at Harvard, has even shown that carp can tell the difference between baroque music and jazz.
All mammals sing. Humpback whales produce hauntingly beautiful songs, using the same musical concepts of human music — similar rhythms, phrase lengths and song structure. They combine phrases lasting about 15 seconds into themes of about two minutes. Phrase endings correspond rhythmically, like rhymes in our lyrics. Several themes then go to make up a song of perhaps 12 minutes in length, which may be sung over and over.
Just as humans have different musical traditions, different groups of whales have different dialects, and one can influence the tastes of another. A whale pod will abandon its own tunes for the new sounds of another group. When a new whale comes to join a group it brings its own song, and instead of changing its song, the rest of the pod changes their song to the new whale’s song! Each year they change their song, but all the whales in one ocean sing the same new song. New syllables appear constantly to replace old ones and soon spread worldwide.
Whales sing in key mixing percussive and pure tones in the same ratio as Western symphonic music. Jim Nollman, founder of Interspecies Communication, Inc. cut a CD titled “Orca’s Greatest Hits” where he captures orca whale songs off Vancouver Island. In Mexico, he has played a flute while a tom turkey did a flamenco dance. In Death Valley, he has thumped drums with kangaroo rats. In eastern California, he accompanied the singing of a wolf pack on a Japanese bamboo flute. According to him, animals can be exacting critics. When he was working with wolves, if he got out of pitch, on any note of that scale, they stopped singing.
Researchers Timothy Holy and Zhongsheng Guo have discovered that mice emit high-frequency sounds that, when amplified, sound like bird songs. Even cockroaches sing like birds.
The Great Ape Trust in Iowa is engaged in a project to explore the musical tastes and abilities of bonobos. In a music session the bonobos get a choice of instruments including the xylophone, tambourine, harmonica and maracas, but typically focus on one throughout the session and stay in tune with the human band. Researchers believe that the origins of musical instrumentation may be found in their behaviour in the wild, where they regularly drum on resonant objects, such as the buttresses of trees. Harvard psychologist Marc Hauser has found that tamarin and marmoset monkeys have the ability to discriminate between different types of music. Like whales, chimpanzees groups have distinct cultural practices of drumming and vocalising. Chimpanzees tested by the Primate Foundation of Arizona listened to different kinds of music ranging from Pavarotti to jazz and then mixed it to create their own music.
According to Thomas Geissmann, author of “Gibbon Songs and Human Music from an Evolutionary Perspective”, all species of gibbons produce elaborate, sex-specific songs. Mated pairs combine their songs in a rigid pattern to produce coordinated duets. The female song consists of a loud phrase, the great call comprising between 6-100 notes. This call is introduced by a simple series of notes termed the introductory sequence; it is produced only once in a song bout. Thereafter, great calls are produced with an interval of two minutes. In the intervals come the interlude sequences consisting of shorter, variable phrases. Male gibbons join in as the duet proceeds.
Seal songs, according to Tecumseh Fitch, a expert in bioaccoustics at the University of St Andrews UK comprise complex trills, clicks, rasps, grunts and a bell-like tone. So do the distinctive courtship syllables of Male Mexican Freetail Bats.
Music has the power to affect all beings physically and emotionally. Alianna Boone who has produced a CD “Harp Music to Soothe the Savage Beast” conducted studies on music’s effect on animals. Performing for hospitalised canines at a Florida veterinary clinic, she found that the sessions immediately began to lower heart rate, anxiety and respiration.
Dogs aren’t the only animals benefiting from good vibrations. Cassie, a cow, lives at the Maple Farm Sanctuary in Massachusetts. She arrived there after jumping a high fence to escape from a slaughterhouse. She still demonstrates anxiety-related behaviour. One day a volunteer found her snorting and stomping. He decided to try calming her by playing a CD of harp songs. Within 20 minutes, he found the bovine dozed off.
In 2001, two British scholars introduced different musical styles to 1,000 dairy cows. Fom 5 am until 5 pm, they listened to Beethoven’s Pastoral Symphony and R.E.M.’s “Everybody Hurts.” Milk yield increased by three percent.
People aren’t the only ones who have opinions about the music they like; animals do too. Two staff members at the Bronx Zoo decided to test whether animals are affected by music by playing different kinds of music to different species in their care.
Here’s what they found:
• Though initially wary the elephants soon gathered round and began flapping their ears in time to ragtime music, occasionally raising their trunks to trumpet a note or two.
• The lions absolutely loved it. One even stood on his hind legs and punched the air with his front paws in time to the music.
• While listening to “Get a Hoop and Roll it Away” a tiger acted exactly like a happy housecat, rolling on his back with an expression of pure ecstasy. When the music stopped he growled and walked away.
• The camels responded with obvious pleasure to the upbeat tune “The Campbells Are Coming” but one literally wept at the sound of a sad ballad, tears streaming down his nose during the entire time it played.
Researchers at Queens University in England have demonstrated that dogs exposed to classical music are calmer than those exposed to rock or heavy metal, who get agitated, bark more and pace restlessly.
Listen closely to nature and you will hear rhythms strikingly similar to those found in human music.
Maneka Gandhi
398 Meditation als Entdeckungsmöglichkeit von Klang und Resonanz in uns.
397 Etwas mehr Hintergrund in Sachen Sang und Klang.
329 Extempore über das A - oder auch: über das, was unter der Sonne so vor sich zu gehen pflegt.
AAAAAAAA....: Aus solchem Urklang wohl hat sich alles Seiende im All allmählich aufgebaut und ausdifferenziert:91 "I want you": Ein neugründeter Gospelchor namens "Gospel 4 You" - vorgestellt in einem Blog. Dazu: Das Zusammengehen von Veda und Quantenphysik.
----- Original Message -----
From: ..........
To: Klaus Bickmann
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2010 4:18 PM
Subject: The universal language
vielleicht solltet ihr mal im Zoo auftreten, evtuell mit musikalischer Begleitung, um den Tieren Spaß zu machen.
The universal language
I tell all pregnant women I know to listen to classical music because baby inside grow healthier and more intelligent listening to it. Even fish do. Professor Papoutsoglo of the Agricultural University of Athens and his team reared carp fish in constant darkness. They found that darkness stunted the fish’s growth, but when the carp were exposed to 30 minutes or more of Mozart’s “Eine Kleine Nacht Musik,” they grew at more normal rates, improved their livers and had reduced stress. Ava Chase of the Rowland Institute at Harvard, has even shown that carp can tell the difference between baroque music and jazz.
All mammals sing. Humpback whales produce hauntingly beautiful songs, using the same musical concepts of human music — similar rhythms, phrase lengths and song structure. They combine phrases lasting about 15 seconds into themes of about two minutes. Phrase endings correspond rhythmically, like rhymes in our lyrics. Several themes then go to make up a song of perhaps 12 minutes in length, which may be sung over and over.
Just as humans have different musical traditions, different groups of whales have different dialects, and one can influence the tastes of another. A whale pod will abandon its own tunes for the new sounds of another group. When a new whale comes to join a group it brings its own song, and instead of changing its song, the rest of the pod changes their song to the new whale’s song! Each year they change their song, but all the whales in one ocean sing the same new song. New syllables appear constantly to replace old ones and soon spread worldwide.
Whales sing in key mixing percussive and pure tones in the same ratio as Western symphonic music. Jim Nollman, founder of Interspecies Communication, Inc. cut a CD titled “Orca’s Greatest Hits” where he captures orca whale songs off Vancouver Island. In Mexico, he has played a flute while a tom turkey did a flamenco dance. In Death Valley, he has thumped drums with kangaroo rats. In eastern California, he accompanied the singing of a wolf pack on a Japanese bamboo flute. According to him, animals can be exacting critics. When he was working with wolves, if he got out of pitch, on any note of that scale, they stopped singing.
Researchers Timothy Holy and Zhongsheng Guo have discovered that mice emit high-frequency sounds that, when amplified, sound like bird songs. Even cockroaches sing like birds.
The Great Ape Trust in Iowa is engaged in a project to explore the musical tastes and abilities of bonobos. In a music session the bonobos get a choice of instruments including the xylophone, tambourine, harmonica and maracas, but typically focus on one throughout the session and stay in tune with the human band. Researchers believe that the origins of musical instrumentation may be found in their behaviour in the wild, where they regularly drum on resonant objects, such as the buttresses of trees. Harvard psychologist Marc Hauser has found that tamarin and marmoset monkeys have the ability to discriminate between different types of music. Like whales, chimpanzees groups have distinct cultural practices of drumming and vocalising. Chimpanzees tested by the Primate Foundation of Arizona listened to different kinds of music ranging from Pavarotti to jazz and then mixed it to create their own music.
According to Thomas Geissmann, author of “Gibbon Songs and Human Music from an Evolutionary Perspective”, all species of gibbons produce elaborate, sex-specific songs. Mated pairs combine their songs in a rigid pattern to produce coordinated duets. The female song consists of a loud phrase, the great call comprising between 6-100 notes. This call is introduced by a simple series of notes termed the introductory sequence; it is produced only once in a song bout. Thereafter, great calls are produced with an interval of two minutes. In the intervals come the interlude sequences consisting of shorter, variable phrases. Male gibbons join in as the duet proceeds.
Seal songs, according to Tecumseh Fitch, a expert in bioaccoustics at the University of St Andrews UK comprise complex trills, clicks, rasps, grunts and a bell-like tone. So do the distinctive courtship syllables of Male Mexican Freetail Bats.
Music has the power to affect all beings physically and emotionally. Alianna Boone who has produced a CD “Harp Music to Soothe the Savage Beast” conducted studies on music’s effect on animals. Performing for hospitalised canines at a Florida veterinary clinic, she found that the sessions immediately began to lower heart rate, anxiety and respiration.
Dogs aren’t the only animals benefiting from good vibrations. Cassie, a cow, lives at the Maple Farm Sanctuary in Massachusetts. She arrived there after jumping a high fence to escape from a slaughterhouse. She still demonstrates anxiety-related behaviour. One day a volunteer found her snorting and stomping. He decided to try calming her by playing a CD of harp songs. Within 20 minutes, he found the bovine dozed off.
In 2001, two British scholars introduced different musical styles to 1,000 dairy cows. Fom 5 am until 5 pm, they listened to Beethoven’s Pastoral Symphony and R.E.M.’s “Everybody Hurts.” Milk yield increased by three percent.
People aren’t the only ones who have opinions about the music they like; animals do too. Two staff members at the Bronx Zoo decided to test whether animals are affected by music by playing different kinds of music to different species in their care.
Here’s what they found:
• Though initially wary the elephants soon gathered round and began flapping their ears in time to ragtime music, occasionally raising their trunks to trumpet a note or two.
• The lions absolutely loved it. One even stood on his hind legs and punched the air with his front paws in time to the music.
• While listening to “Get a Hoop and Roll it Away” a tiger acted exactly like a happy housecat, rolling on his back with an expression of pure ecstasy. When the music stopped he growled and walked away.
• The camels responded with obvious pleasure to the upbeat tune “The Campbells Are Coming” but one literally wept at the sound of a sad ballad, tears streaming down his nose during the entire time it played.
Researchers at Queens University in England have demonstrated that dogs exposed to classical music are calmer than those exposed to rock or heavy metal, who get agitated, bark more and pace restlessly.
Listen closely to nature and you will hear rhythms strikingly similar to those found in human music.
Maneka Gandhi

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