Dienstag, 13. April 2010

690 Hier eine von mehreren dubiosen Mitteilungen aus dem Irak -von einem der dort stationierten Soldaten -, dazu eine höchst brisante Kriegsgeschichte

Bei den dubiosen Mitteilungen handelt es sich um Aufforderungen, in irgendeiner Weise beim Handling eines wohl kostbareren Fundstücks mitzuwirken. Obwohl ich laufend versuche, den Mitteilenden von der Versendung weiterer eMails abzuhalten und ihn davon zu überzeugen, dass ich a) keinerlei Interesse an irgendeinem Deal habe und b) seine diesbezüglichen Botschaften noch nicht einmal gelesen habe: er gibt keine Ruhe. Hauptsächlich wegen der der letzten Mail beigebenen Aufnahmen aus dem militärischen Alltag stelle ich sie in meinen Blog.

Nach der Niederschrift dieses Eintrags mein Infolabor verlassen und hochgestiefelt, um mir eine Sendung anzuschauen, die zu den ganz wenigen gehört, welche ich mir überhaupt zu Gemüte führe. Dabei dann mit einem Beitrag konfrontiert worden, welcher das unmenschliche Vorgehen des US-Militärs im Irak vorführt.

"Dear Martin Cross

Good day my good friend Martin Cross, and how is everything getting on with you, hope all are moving accordingly? I have just gone through your email here in Baghdad? The luggage of the fund is all I have to start up my new life ahead with; you should inform me your preparation to receive the luggage of the fund. Forward me your full details information such as your mobile number and your full current home address to show your transparence towards this very great transaction as I will table it to diplomatic to deliver the luggage of the fund to your home as soon as possible, go ahead and forward to me your I D CARD for my own view, as to enable me table it to diplomatic to contact you as soon as he arrival in, please I need your full current home address and mobile phone . For easer communication. Before the arrival of diplomatic

And for your information’s, this transaction is true and straight, I’m boldly maintaining my stand that this transaction is 100% risky-free not one of those that you might have heard or came across, but if you are still doubtful of me, I wouldn’t mind forwarding this picture to you attached with a copy of my identity cards, together with my passport copy, for you to know whom you are dealing with.

Please you have to realize that this great transaction is between you and me. While diplomatic would arrival to meet you face to face and deliver the luggage of the fund to your home address? Am also waiting to receive your I D card for my own view.

So please my good friend, I will like you to handle this transaction like your own, and you knows fully well that you will never live to regret any assistance that you may be rendering to me in this issue, as you will stand to gain in hundreds fold. So, please let's work with oneness and one heart, as you may know that with your trust, this transaction we keep us together I trusted you and I want to do investment with you. Auf my prayer God told me to move on with you.

Do have a close look to this and endeavor to get back to me as to enable me know the next step to follow, and to know the news that I will pass unto diplomatic? To deliver the luggage of the fund to your address. Please dear Martin Cross doesn't betray me when the luggage of the fund reaches your door step.

I will need the following informations from you.

1, Your full name and address

2, Your direct contact cell phone number

3, Your legal identification such as international passport copy or Drivers license or any form of official I D card bearing your Photograph

4. Your profession, position and company name if any.

Thanking you once again for all your efforts and understandings, I believer with my explanations and my identity copy I know we can work together in one goal

yours brother in Iraq

Mr. John England"


Wikileaks-Video. Quelle: ZDF

Töten wie im Videospiel

Enthüllung im Internet

von Thomas Reichart

Die Bilder des Krieges stammen aus dem Jahr 2007, erst jetzt gingen sie um die Welt, schockierten Millionen. Fast drei Jahre nach den Todesschüssen auf Zivilisten in Bagdad hat die Online-Platform Wikileaks das Video aus der Bordkamera eines der US-Kamphubschraubers veröffentlicht. Unter den Getöteten waren zwei Mitarbeiter der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters. Die US-Militärs verweigerten jahrelang die Herausgabe des Videos. [mehr]

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