Samstag, 18. Oktober 2014

2397 GOOD VIBRATIONS - Deepak Chopra, ein bedeutender spiritueller Lehrer, ruft die Weltgemeinschaft auf, zu gleicher Zeit zusammen für den Frieden zu meditieren. So, wie es Maharishi seine Schüler gelehrt hat.

 Die Welt ist im Wandel

    Du bist das Licht der Welt. Du bist das Bewusstsein, das die Welt erleuchtet. Nur Du, und das ist Freiheit, Befreiung, Erwachen und das Ende des Leidens und ...

  2. Die Welt im Wandel
    Es herrscht eine tiefe Verbundenheit mit allem Leben vor und jeder fühlt sich als ein wesentlicher, unverzichtbarer Bestandteil des Lebens. Klar und deutlich ist, ...

  Vor zwei Jahren, auch in einem September, hat der Blogger in dem weiter unten nachzulesenden Eintrag 1871 aus der Website "Die Welt ist im Wandel" etwas über die ernährungsphysiologischen Untersuchungen der Ernährungsforscherin Victoria Boutenkober berichten können. Die das Zeug haben, die Ernährnungsgwohnheiten der Zeitgenossen zu revolutionieren und ihnen eine bessere Befindlichkeit zu besorgen. Um eben eine solche Revolution geht es auch in dem folgenden Aufruf zur weltweiten und gleichzeitigen Meditation für den Frieden. Der ist am 8.8. in seinem ePostfach gelandet - zu einer Zeit, als er gerade im hiesigen RKH, dem Gehrdener Regionalkrankenhaus, auf dem OP-Tisch lag und sich von dem Chefarzt Dr. Schick die Prostata weglasern ließ.    

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----

From: Die Welt ist im Wandel
Sent: Friday, August 08, 2014 12:31 PM
Subject: Großereignis 2014: Aufruf zur weltweiten und gleichzeitigen Meditation für Frieden am Freitag 8.8.2014 18:00 Uhr (Zeit gilt für Europa)

Liebe Freunde!
Das gab es noch nie. Dank des Internets und der Vernetzung sehen wir einem globalen Großereignis entgegen. Deepak Chopra ein berühmter und bekannter spiritueller Lehrer ruft gemeinsam mit Freunden die Weltgemeinschaft auf, in einem gleichen Zeitraum für Frieden zu meditieren. Welche enorme Kraft in einer Meditation inne liegt, wissen bestimmt schon einige von uns.
Vielleicht schaffen wir damit die kritische Masse? Auf jeden Fall werden wir dadurch etwas bedeutsames für die Menschheit bewirken, wenn wir weltweit gleichzeitig für Frieden meditieren.
Lasst uns gemeinsam mit tausenden von anderen Menschen auf diesem Planeten ein Zeichen FÜR FRIEDEN setzen. Die Dauer ist mit 2 Stunden angegeben.
Liebe Grüsse Marion

BOB ROTH 202-251-7014
Quantum Physicist Offers Solution to Global Market Meltdown
Calm the acute fear and instability that grips the financial world through collective meditation technologies
The paralyzing fear that is driving volatile global markets to precarious lows can be effectively neutralized and stability can be restored to the U.S. and world economies through implementation of scientifically proven “technologies of consciousness,” which address the crisis at its source and create stability in the collective consciousness of the world.
Jhn Hagelin, Ph.D.
This is the timely message from John Hagelin, Ph.D., world-renowned quantum physicist and co-developer of a highly successful unified field theory—or “Theory of Everything”—who serves as executive director of the Global Financial Capital of New York at 70 Broad Street, one block from the New York Stock Exchange.
Dr. Hagelin said large groups of experts practicing these technologies, which include the advanced Transcendental Meditation techniques of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, can be mobilized in New York City and in other global financial centers to defuse stress and fear and create coherent collective consciousness—the basis of a balanced, strong, national and world economy.
Dr. Hagelin said scores of studies have been published in leading scientific journals on the effects of group meditation, which show improved economic stability along with other positive effects in society, including reduced crime and violence.
Meditation is mainstream in America. It is practiced in the boardrooms in some of nation’s largest companies and financial institutions,” Dr. Hagelin said. “And the National Institutes of Health have awarded tens of millions of dollars to document the benefits of the Transcendental Meditation program for reducing stress and improving brain functioning and cardiovascular health. Now research shows its collective benefits as well.”
Citing principles from “control systems theory,” Dr. Hagelin explained why financial markets are inherently unstable. “A drop in prices triggers fear, which drives prices lower still, which further amplifies the fear. We must break that vicious cycle. According to research, collective meditation eliminates fear in collective consciousness—and brings stability to the markets.”
Dr. Hagelin said that a group of nearly 2,000 advanced experts is now in place at Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa. He said the influence of coherence generated by this group is helping to calm the nation in the midst of the global crisis, but a larger, more powerful group of 8,000 experts (the square root of one percent of the world’s population) is needed to neutralize worldwide fears and re-establish confidence in the global markets.
The cost to establish this group on a permanent basis, Dr. Hagelin said, would be negligible compared to what has been lost in a single hour during the current financial crisis.

Die Betreiberin der Website "Die Welt ist im Wandel", Marion Keul, hatte bei ihrem Aufruf vom 8.8. höchstwahrscheinlich das im Sinn, was der Weise Maharishi Mahesh Yogi jahrzehntelang den Weltbürgern nahezubringen sich bemüht hat. 
News Maharishi in the World Today

Integrated national consciousness for the removal of poverty - Part II
by Global Good News staff writer

Global Good News    Translate This Article
24 June 2007

On 19 June, during the Conference on Removal of Poverty broadcast live by satellite and the Internet from the Global Financial Capital of New York, Maharishi gave a strong message to the banks and financial institutions of the world that it is not their wealth that will remove the poverty of the world.

In Part I of this talk Maharishi said that removal of poverty is a natural phenomenon, based in an integrated national consciousness, aligned with the radiance and natural abundance of the Light of the God, the Unified Field of Natural Law.

Maharishi continued: 'In the Vedic Literature, this was the whisper of all times—''Life is bliss'', and ''That Thou art'', and ''That I am, That Thou art, and That all this is That''—Sarvam Khalvidam Brahm—all those very beautiful exalted expressions about life. This eternal voice of time, eternal voice of the Will of God. The Will of God, the Will of God.

'It's very good, Dr Hagelin, you have come out with the words of the modern language [the language of science]. It's very beautiful. Go ahead and keep on telling them the logic. They may not understand you, but very soon these groups of invincibility are growing in the world. The groups of invincibility are growing in the world [through the activity of] the Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace, the Finance Minister of Global Country of World Peace, and Science and Technology Minister of the Global Country of World Peace—the Global Country of the World Peace—a unified country of all the diversified countries.

'The world is going to be a uni-verse. And that will be governed by, what we say, ''the Will of God''. It will not be the God that favours suffering. I'm challenging the head of all those useless religions today; that I'm doing after 50 years. I am never to decide [about] any religion, because at least they have the name of God, they have the name of God. But I have heard some remarks of some people who in the name of God are becoming popular or something. So the time of the dawn is rising.

'It's just a matter of a few weeks, a few months—we gather some people in every country. Organizations are being built to raise the national consciousness of every country to be tempered, I would say, in the light of invincibility, invincibility, invincibility. [This] may be out of the concept of the so-called suffering people, but that is going to be the rise of the sun. And the sunrise, the first ray eliminates the darkness of the night and doesn't want anyone to remain in the darkness anymore.

'If the Prime Minister [of the Global Country of World Peace, Dr Bevan Morris] would allow time, I would like to hear this song that is sung by some realistic vision of the world—Heaven descending on Earth. Heaven descending on Earth. This is the time that is described in this song. [The time] of those who can see what is worthwhile seeing. Darkness going, nobody sees. Light coming everyone sees. So the time is coming. [There are] a few people, a few people. It's all in our hands. And it's rising day by day, day by day, day by day.

'Dr Morris will explain, and our Finance Minister of Maharaja Raam's treasury will reflect on how poverty is going to disappear in the same way as with the dawn, the darkness of the night disappears. There is nothing much to say. I've been saying all these 50 years, now is the time to be quiet, and see what I've been saying. The world has to see now. See. See.

'The Prime Minister of Maharaja Nader Raam will be able to picture what I have meant with these few little words. All glory to Guru Dev*, and we'll hear from the Finance Minister. The time is different now. Yesterday is over. Today is full of light. Jai Guru Dev. All Glory to Guru Dev. I invite the world to see. Jai Guru Dev.'

*Guru Dev His Divinity Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, Himalayas, Maharishi's Master.

Copyright © 2007 Global Good News(sm) Service

Global Good News comment:

Please see for the 22 May conference on the Programme for Removal of Poverty of the Global Country of World Peace.

For information about Maharishi's seven-point programme to create a healthy, happy, prosperous society, and a peaceful world, please visit: Global Financial Capital of New York.

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Permanent Peace
Overview What's the Evidence What's the Theory Other Benefits What's the Technology What's the Source? What's the Plan What Can I do?

“Today we urgently need a new, more fundamental approach to peace that can neutralize the very basis of terrorism and war.”
John Hagelin, PhD
Global Union of
Scientists for Peace


Can we permanently stop
terrorism and war?
If 50 demonstration projects and 23 published scientific studies can be believed, the answer is Yes.
If this large body of evidence—accepted and published by mainstream scientific journals—is accurate, groups of peace-creating experts can dramatically reduce violent crime, terrorism, and war.
If the scientific process is meaningful, ancient sages were correct about the peace-creating power of human consciousness. Modern science and timeless wisdom have come together in a practical, powerful technology of peace. MORE >
“I think this research evidence on a new approach to peace, and the theory that informs it, deserve the most serious consideration by academics, policy makers and concerned citizens alike.”
David Edwards, PhD
Professor of Government
University of Texas (Austin)

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... hat nach den Erkenntnissen der Ernährungsforscherin Victoria Boutenko das Zeug, die Ernährungsgewohnheiten der Zeitgenossen zu revolutionieren und ihnen eine bessere Befindlichkeit zu besorgen:............................................

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
From: Die Welt ist im Wandel
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2014 4:32 PM
Subject: Die Schwingung erhöht sich momentan stark

Liebe Freunde!
Die Energie auf unserem blauen Planeten steigt gerade enorm an. Wir hatten einen vierfachen Anstieg der Boviswerte. Die Praxis UMERIA hat ein Erklärungsvideo erstellt. Die steigende Sterberate aber auch unsere Ernährung hängen eng mit der Schwingungserhöhung zusammen.
Es gibt wieder Neues von der Scholle. Du magst auch keine Plastikbehälter im Garten? Gugg mal, ich hatte eine Idee, die schöner und effektiver ist. Außerdem noch ein paar Bilder vom Kartoffelturm, der Kapuzinerkresse ...
Außerirdischen drohen 4 Jahre Haft, wenn sie den Flugraum stören. Robert Fleischer in seiner gewohnt frischen und humorvollen Art über die Rolle von Politik und Medien bezüglich der UFO-Vertuschung in Deutschland. 80 unterhaltsame Minuten .... ich musste oft lachen.
Liebe Grüsse Marion

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